All you need to know about H-CAME

What is Hourly CAME (H-CAME)?

Hourly CAME (H-CAME) is a new initiative created by VNPN to address the growing job-related requests of young Vietnamese graduates/professionals, along with the 6-month Career Mentoring program (Premium CAME/P-CAME)  that has run for several seasons. Our goal is to connect mentees to mentors quickly, accurately, and effectively through an automated matching system. H-CAME currently covers activities such as resume review, informational interview, and mock interview. Mentees can also make other kinds of advice request for the meeting.

Why join H-CAME?

The major advantages of participating in H-CAME are flexibility and exposure.

For mentors: If you enjoy helping other people to begin or accelerate their career, but have limited time to join the traditional P-CAME program, then H-CAME is for you. Mentors do not have to make a long-term commitment for one mentee; you can provide a variety of support to several mentees with different backgrounds over a short period of time. Mentors only need to commit a few hours per month, and can accept requests for an hour-long meeting when you find the mentee a good match and as your schedule permits.

For mentees: If you are unable to be part of the P-CAME program, and/or urgently need to prepare for an interview or apply for a job, then H-CAME is for you. Mentees can make virtually unlimited requests for different mentors in various industries to satisfy your needs for information and career advice.

How is H-CAME different from P-CAME?

CAME (including P-CAME and H-CAME) envisions supporting Vietnamese young professionals to strengthen their job application, increase career prospects, and negotiate the best possible terms after getting an offer. We provide two options for mentors and mentees to select depending on their timeline and specific needs:

Premium CAME (P-CAME): A program that helps mentees prepare in advance for the job search and application process, hence increasing job prospects. Mentors and mentees work on a standardized process over a course of six months.

Hourly CAME (H-CAME): Mentors and mentees connect through an automated matching system based on mentees’ specific requests. Mentor and mentee meet for one hour to address mentee’s concerns and questions.

Who can join H-CAME?

H-CAME aims to support all Vietnamese in the U.S. who are looking for job information and career advice, especially fresh college graduates and young professionals. All Vietnamese professionals currently working in the U.S. in any industry are welcome to sign up and become mentors in our program.

How to use H-CAME?

Step 1: Register your profile to become a VNPN member at Log into your account.

Step 2:

For mentor: On tab Home, select “Update Mentor Form” on the right column.

Turn on Mentor Mode and fill in the form with more information about you. Click Submit and the system will register your information.

*Note: the system will send you updates about mentees’ requests via the email you use to log in, which might be different from the one you put into the form).

For mentee: On tab Home, select “Request an Hourly Mentoring Session,” and a request form will appear.

Fill in the form with more information about you. Click Submit and the system will start matching you with a suitable mentor.

*Note: the system will send you updates about your request via the email you use to log in, which might be different from the one you put into the form.